My friend Darral

Created by Deborah one month ago

Darral’s family has been a part of my family for as long as I can remember. 

I was proud to call Darral my friend. Living in Canada, we supported a long distance friendship. It was so wonderful to see her and Michael at a surprise reunion (for my parents) in Edinburgh and again at their beautiful home in Ellerton where Chris and I were welcomed with open arms. We sooo wished we’d had more time to spend with them. 

Darral’s dad was a talented artist and Darral discovered she was also blessed with his artistic flair. I will cherish her hand painted Christmas cards.

Darral and I shared a love of sports. I enjoyed hearing about Man U’s fortunes and she enjoyed hearing about how our hockey team, the Calgary Flames were fairing. 

Darral also loved hearing about our wild neighbors! Living in mountains, we have visits from bears, moose, deer and beaver. 

Darral was an incredible lady whose friendship I will always treasure.